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BG Products, Inc.

BG Battery Cleaner & Leak Detector

BG Battery Cleaner & Leak Detector
PN 885

2 fl. oz. (59 mL) bottle

BG Battery Cleaner & Leak Detector

Removes corrosion buildup from battery terminals, cables, and carriers and detects presence of acid to warn of potential leaks.

PN 885

2 fl. oz. (59 mL) bottle

SKU: 885 Category:

BG Battery Cleaner & Leak Detector removes accumulated deposits from battery terminals, cables, and carriers from power-sapping corrosives that shorten battery life. It contains an unique acid-detecting ingredient that turns red in the presence of acid. If acid is detected, it’s an indication for additional cleaning needed or the presence of a crack or leak around the terminals.

Test ASTM Test Method Typical Test Results
Specific Gravity  D1298 1.0108
Density, U.S. lb./gal. (kg/m³) @ 15.6°C (60°F) D1250 8.427
API Gravity D287 8.5
Flash Point, COC D92 39°C (108°F)
Pour Point D97 –2°C (28°F)
Color Visual Orange

Apply BG Battery Cleaner & Leak Detector liberally on areas of accumulated corrosion. Allow to soak 5–10 minutes. Rinse off with clean water. Apply BG Battery Terminal Protectors on battery terminals to prevent corrosion.

BG Products, Inc., accepts no liability for excessive use or misuse of this product.