Problems due to pitch around injectors on common rail engines
I have tried numerous products, both mechanical and chemical. I have even tried very expensive products without any results. But on a car repair exhibition I met a man who showed me a very different product. At first I thought: “Well, I’ve heard this before.” But then I realized that this was worth trying. So I ordered some bottles with BG 245®. When the next car came in a week later, I told the mechanic that we were going to try something new. We mixed BG 245® and diesel 50/50 and poured it on and around the injectors. After 15 minutes the mechanic came back with a big smile on his face and the injectors in his hand. BG 245® fixed our problem in no time.
After we started to use BG 245® there has been no need to demolish any injectors or cylinder heads. From now on we will only be using BG Products.