IMPORTANT! Read product Safety Data Sheets before use.
- Install BG Platinum® 44K,® PN 208, for gasoline engines; or BG 245® Diesel Fuel System Cleaner, PN 245, or BG Diesel Fuel System Performance Restoration, PN PD15, for diesel engines, into the fuel tank.
- Bring engine to operating temperature.
- Drain engine oil and remove oil filter.
- Install new oil filter.
- Install correct volume of BG Dynamic Engine Cleaner, PN 103, to match the engine crankcase capacity.
- Allow engine to run in Neutral at 3,000 RPM for gasoline engines and 1,000 RPM for diesel engines for 45 minutes.
CAUTION: Monitor oil pressure throughout procedure. If engine oil pressure drops, check the oil pump suction line strainer for obstructions.
- Immediately drain BG Dynamic Engine Cleaner from engine and remove oil filter.
- Install new oil filter.
- Install correct volume of BG Dynamic Engine Cleaner Rinse Oil, PN PE04, to match the engine crankcase capacity.
- Allow engine to run in Neutral at 3,000 RPM for gasoline engines and 1,000 RPM for diesel engines for 20 minutes.
- Drain BG Dynamic Engine Cleaner Rinse Oil and remove oil filter.
- Install new oil filter.
- Install new engine oil.
- Install BG Advanced Formula MOA,® PN 115, for gasoline engines, or BG DOC® Diesel Oil Conditioner, PN 112, for diesel engines, into the crankcase.